The Harmony Show (THS) is a durational performance and multi-faceted talk show co-created/hosted by Synthetiks advocate Davecat, his life-size roboticized spouse Sidore Kuroneko, and artist Amber Hawk Swanson. All twenty-seven episodes of The Harmony Show are available for free in their entirety below.
[Xiomara Sebastián Castro Niculescu, Davecat, Sidore Kuroneko, and Amber Hawk Swanson film a hybrid cooking show episode of The Harmony Show entitled Tired Selena, “the Tranny,” and Caribbean-inspired Beef Soup in front of a live audience at a museum.]

THS explores personhood, race, sexual racism, disability, and sexual ableism in two modalities. The first is a seminar in which invited scholars present their work and discuss it with the show’s co-hosts. The second is a cooking show, where a less academically-geared discussion unfolds as a meal designed by recipe developer Nicole—a scholar of racialized risk, technoscience, and postcolonial biopolitics—is prepared.

Semester / Season One of THS (2020–21) was produced during early covid using Zoom and expanded its co-hosts’ six year long collaboration on Fair, Medium, Light Tan, Tanned, Cocoa (F.M.LT.T.C, 2016–21) which investigated the ways Dolls are racialized by those who market them and those who live with them. THS Live! (2023) integrated in-person and online participants into performances for a live audience in a museum setting while expanding the themes and scope of Semester / Season One.
For assistance experiencing The Harmony Show write Co-Creator and Creative Director Amber Hawk

If you have feedback for The Harmony Show and have the interest in / energy for sharing it, write:


[Five Zoom grids, each outlined with a magenta line, appear in a row above. Each links to an episode module of THS Live! where full episodes and full image descriptions of each Zoom grid can be found.]


To access the original Semester / Season One website (2021), including the corresponding Access Guide and Syllabus click here.

[Twenty-one Zoom grids, each outlined with a magenta line, appear in a row above. Each links to an episode module of THS Season / Semester One, where full episodes and full image descriptions of each Zoom grid can be found.]

©The Harmony Show 2025